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About Me

Hello! I am | Janne Marie Tvetene | - Backend developer

I am currently a student at Noroff, and will be finnished this summer and get my Professional Degree in backend development

My burning desire is to contribute to exciting projects with the help of my creativity by developing and maintaining all kinds of server-based software solutions. I feel that the backend study is just the beginning and I want to further develop myself within my current field by learning more programming languages, platforms and frameworks.

Something personal about me

Since you are here I guess you want to know me a little bit better, so here are some quirks about me

Info Description Image
Me Myself and my family I live in skien with my boyfriend and our daughter, Aurora. We have a house on Nenset and have an on and of game of renovating that lovely old thing. I think its good to dream big and one of our current golden dreams is to own a small cabbin down by the lake, some wonderfull day. family
Me Myself and my plants Yes its true, i have a living breathing jungle at home. And no my family is housetrained it's more the greenery im talking about. I have proabably over 200 different species of plants growing in my home, making it a indoor jungle. Well, its not as bad as it sounds, most of them are small. And well.... I like it. My own private jungle of calming peace while i code in frustration, just kidding, maybe. jungle
Me Myself and I I am originaly from Larvik, but have been living in skien for the past 14 years. My hobbies are everything and nothing, I love, love, love to travel, visiting new and exiting countries. I have a tattoo, I'm all into plants and gardening, love movies and ofcourse going to the movies. I like sushi, but mostly the fried stuff, wait let me rephrase that, I like fried food. sign


Some of my projects



Contact Me

Feel free to contact me.

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Ă˜stre Lensmannsveg 11, 3736 Skien


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